electrical laminated wood

What are the advantages of electrical laminated wood?

Electrical laminated wood used in transformers material and compress wood, good quality and cheap price, easy processing.

Transformer manufacturers often use different types of electrical laminated insulating boards for the production of transformers. Accurate use of electrical laminated densified wood board is a good way to improve output and work efficiency. Then how do we choose the right insulation board? First of all, we must understand where the advantages of various insulation boards are. The four advantages of the electrical laminated compress wood are as follows:

1. Good quality and cheap price

The electrical laminated wood insulation board sheet can replace the precious material to make the coil pressing board, which can save a lot of cost for the factory. Electrical laminated wood is the cheapest solid insulation for transformers at current market prices. If the same volume replacement, 1T electrical laminated wood can be used. It can directly save about 8000-18000RMB for the factory.

2. Improve quality and reduce rework

Because the wood used in transformers material is made of interlaced sheets stacked on top of each other, the wood sheets shrink similarly in all directions, and they can avoid cracking phenomenon. The laminated paperboard and bakelite sheets are prone to cracking in the drying process, leading to the scrap or rework of pressure ring, lead support and plywood.

3. Easy processing, and reduce pollution

Electrical compress wood belongs to wood fiber board, its density are close to wood, the processing is more convenient. It can be processed and formed by the use of woodworking equipment, the dust during processing is very few. The use of laminated densified wood board can save a lot of processing time and provide a way to reduce product consumption, increase efficiency and improve the environment.

4. Reduce loss and reduce weight

The dielectric constant of the electrical compress wood is beneficial to improve the electrical strength of the transformer insulation structure, especially its dielectric constant value which is similar to that of transformer oil, which can obviously improve the field strength at the oil gap and reduce the loss of products.

Understanding the advantages of different types of electrical laminated wood insulation board and reasonable use of insulation board, and it is the most important factor for the production of transformers.

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